My Top Sustainable Swap

"If everyone in the UK swapped to safety razors, it could save over 10 million plastic razors entering landfill each year" - Naked Necessities

If I was forced to choose my top favourite plastic free swaps, my safety razor would without a doubt be up at the top as my number 1! If you think a stainless steel razor with blades is a bit scary you have nothing to worry about (trust me, if I can use it you can too!). The blades last a hell of a lot longer than disposable razors - I had a pack of 5 blades over a year ago when I first bought this razor and still have a couple left.

I pair my beautiful wooden handled @nakednecessitiesshop razor with a @wildsageandco shaving soap, and shaving brush. I found when I was just using a soap bar without a brush it worked well, but using a brush was like MAGIC, as it lathers so much more. 

plastic free razor.jpeg

My top tips:

1) Ensure that you take the razor apart after every use. This will prevent any rusting, though this doesn't seem to be an issue at all!

2) To put the parts together I use a towel or flannel to hold around the blade/top of the razor as I screw it tight.

3) Go slow... don't rush, take the time to get used to a different razor. Metal razors tend to be significantly heavier than disposables, and of course the blades are very sharp on the first use.

4) Use a decent soap! Find a plastic free shaving soap bar to lather up, and a shaving brush also makes a massive difference.

This was a short post, but I hope that my tips help you or that you also will make the swap from disposable razors to a safety razor. Every item that we swap for something that uses less disposable single use plastics the better!