I Did Something Green

Welcome! I’m Sara, the eco warrior behind I Did Something Green.

My journey to reducing my plastic usage started by trying some beeswax wraps. It opened my eyes to the plastic lunch bags, cling film and unnecessary tin foil that I had been using for sandwiches, snacks, cooking and covering food at home. From there I started to follow some brands and individuals on Instagram who inspired me to take a look further into other aspects of plastic all around me. It was as if a spark lit up and I grew this eager desire to do as much as I could to change my habits.


It was around this same time that I was becoming aware of the ever-growing issue of plastic pollution.

Litter picking has now become something sadly ordinary to me, just something I do when I see some rubbish on the side of the road. I consciously go for a walk with the aim of making sure that I pick up any litter I find along the way, or walking across to the beach to check if there’s anything I can remove from entering the ocean.

I am now fully immersed in a world where I am aware of my plastic footprint, things that I need to do, stop buying, and more and more sustainable swaps I can make to help our planet.

I am by no means perfect, completely plastic free, zero waste or 100% sustainable, I’m documenting the different tips, tricks and swaps I’ve made and am still making on this big ol' journey.

My aim here is to encourage, inspire and motivate you to make even just one lifestyle change. If that’s really as simple as changing to a bar of soap, reducing the amount of new clothes you buy or being creative in making your own plastic free snacks.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.
— Dr.Seuss, The Lorax

Some fun facts about me…

I'm a vegetarian which has made me much more creative with food. I'm dipping into more vegan/plant-based cooking now too!

I always have a cup of tea to hand - is 8 a day too much?

I always buy zero-waste and plastic free alternatives to products as much as possible, and only buy what is necessary.

I really love baking and decorating, especially birthday cakes! I’ve got quite the sweet tooth.

I sew packs of fabric reusable kitchen rolls, perfect for helping others become more plastic free.

I'm always on the run. It's my favourite thing to do, exploring new lanes, especially in the summer months.